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Retail Price: $134.95



We are experiencing an outage on our Box of H2O. As a result, the Recovery Essentials System will come with a Box of R3PAIR.

This wonderful bundle is designed to accelerate muscle recovery, boost hydration levels, and support healthy skin, hair, nails, and joint mobility.

It is the first step to preparing your body for peak performance by supporting your muscles and joints with nutrient-dense ingredients that are clinically clean and effective and keep you hydrated.

And post-workout with an anti-inflammatory supplement targeted at restoring muscles and reducing soreness associated with exercise. Plus, Zundora, an antioxidant collagen boosting hydrolyzed gel with Lumenato®, a proprietary blend of carotenoid antioxidants from Golden Tomato that reduces collagen degradation and encourages the body to make more of its own collagen. This helps the skin from damage from the environment and supports a noticeable “healthy glow.”

Don't sweat it and get everything you need to recover!


(1) Zundora Box of 30 gel packs

(1) H2O Box of 10 sticks

(1) R3PAIR Box of 10 sticks



*Zurvita customers and independent consultants who provide an honest review may receive 50 bonus points to be applied to future product purchases.