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Beauty Inside & Out Bundle

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Retail Price: $162.90


147 BV


This amazing bundle is calling your name, which includes 30 servings of Zeal and a box of  Zundora PLUS free shipping! This is the new power couple in town!  

 Our flagship Zeal is being paired with our superstar, new antioxidant collagen gel Zundora. This bundle is the perfect combination and true meaning of beauty inside and out.  

Zeal is an all-in-one nutritional drink mix that contains over 100 whole food constituents and over 120 vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for your health inside. It comes in the following Flavors: Wild Berry, Bold Grape, Mango and Tropic Dream.

Zundora is an antioxidant collagen gel. The nutrient complex is cmade with scientifically backed ingredients to provide healthier-looking hair, skin and nails. Zundora can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for your beauty on the outside. Zundora has the delicious Flavor: Blackberry. Content includes 30 gel packs.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


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